BIRTHDAY INVITATION Alexa's IS TURNING ONE Kepada Yth. Teman/Saudara/i Nama Tamu Di Tempat Buka Undangan
Please join us! We are going to celebrateour little daughter's birthday.You are cordially invited to be a part of the beautiful moment Graziella Joevanca Alexa Nahusona Born : Ambon, 17 February 2022 Daughter of :Mr. Chrisye Nahusona & Mrs. Nadya De Wanna
Save The Date Birthday Party 00Day 00Hour 00Minutes 00Second Friday 17 2022 February 16.00 PM KFC Latta Jl. Wolter Monginsidi, Halong,Kec. Baguala, Ambon View Maps
Wishes Give your best wishes 23 Ucapan*Mohon maaf! Khusus untuk tamu undangan*Minimal 2 karakter. Konfirmasi Kehadiran>HadirTidak Hadir*Silahkan pilih konfirmasi kehadiranDo not change these fields following
Send Gifts Click the button below to open Lihat Nomor Rekening Nadya Dewanna 0856347450 Copy No. Rekening
Thank you for your attendance Happy Parents Mr. Chrisye Nahusona& Mrs. Nadya De Wanna Dibuat oleh : Instagram Whatsapp